Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Information & Links
IHA COVID-19 Testing & Assessment Centre Revelstoke
Testing is recommended for anyone with cold, influenza, or COVID-19-like symptoms, however mild. If you develop symptoms, use the BC COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool .
BCCDC Self Assessment Tool: https://covid19.thrive.health/
The Ministry of Health in partnership with Thrive Health created this self-assessment tool to provide up-to-date guidance and recommendations for testing and follow-up for COVID-19 that follows BCCDC guidance. It is not a diagnostic tool and does not replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Note that this self-assessment tool is intended for COVID-19 only. Your symptoms may not be related to COVID-19 and could require you to seek medical attention. If you are uncertain and/or feel very sick, contact your family doctor/nurse practitioner or call 811
Book COVID-19 Vaccination
Online registration: https://www.getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca/s/
or call to book vaccine: 1-833-838-2323
Laboratory booking (Revelstoke) not COVID-19 related
Online Booking: https://www.labonlinebooking.ca/login
Phone Booking: 1-877-740-7747 (The call centre is available 8 am to 7 pm, seven days a week)
Government of BC - Register and Book COVID-19 Vaccination: (Open to all Revelstoke residents)
Online registration https://www2.gov.bc.ca/getvaccinated.html / https://www.getvaccinated.gov.bc.ca/s/ or call to book vaccine: 1-833-838-2323
Proof of Vaccination information (*First shot by September 13 & Second shot by October 24, 2021) :
Interior Health COVID-19 Testing & Assessment Centres (Revelstoke: 250-814-2230 *by appointment only)
Doctors of BC - Vaccine FAQ:
faqs_vaccine_saftey_and_efficacy.pdf (doctorsofbc.ca)
BCCDC Self-Isolation Guidelines:
Government of Canada:
BCCDC Self Assessment Tool:
Travel Advice:
BC Vaccine Schedules:
Interior Health:
Doctors of BC (Small business & individual income supports):
Foundry Virtual Care (BC’s young people ages 12-24 & their caregivers can access virtual drop-in counselling service):
Virtual Mental Health Supports During COVID-19 (BC):
Ministry of Health BC - Mask Use in Health Care Facilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic:
BCCDC - BC Care Bundle for Supporting High-Risk* Patients Through COVID-19 Pandemic and Influenza Season: